Public Collections - Queenscourt Hospice

Public Collections

Volunteer at one of our Public Collections

Last year we raised over £5,000 in public collections and we are excited to do as many public collections as we can again in 2023 to help raise funds for Queenscourt.

If you can spare a few hours on any of the following dates, we’d love to hear from you.

  • Saturday 1st April – Co-op Marshside
  • Friday 14th April – Morrison’s Ormskirk
  • Saturday 29th April Dobbie’s Southport
  • Friday 12th May – Morrison’s Southport
  • Saturday 8th July – Co-op Marshside
  • Saturday 5th August Dobbie’s Southport
  • Friday 6th October Morrison’s Ormskirk
  • Saturday 7th October – Morrison’s Southport
  • Saturday 2nd DecemberDobbie’s Southport

What is involved in a Public Collection

Our collection volunteers are in pairs and are allocated a two-hour shift which involves taking cash donations from the public in our collection buckets. Our collections are usually indoors at supermarkets and garden centres with some being outdoor at key local events.

Our collection volunteers find it so rewarding when we let them know how much each collection raised as they can see how a little bit of their time helped their local hospice in such a big way.