Resources & Training Library

Podcasts for Paramedics

The Beyond the Sirens: Paramedics and End-of-Life Care podcast series has been designed to start a journey together, to spark innovative ideas, provide support for and raise awareness of the holistic and complex requirements of end-of-life care.

Religious Needs Resource

Welcome to this resource for health workers. It is a guide to, but not a substitute for, individual spiritual, religious and cultural needs assessment by frontline clinical staff in supportive, palliative and end of life care.

Upcoming Courses at TBEC

View all the available educational courses we offer.

Life is for learning! (TBEC)

The Terence Burgess Education Centre is named after the Terence Burgess, formerly surgeon to Southport & Ormskirk District General Hospital & first Chairman of the Queenscourt board of Trustees.

Echo Networks

As the first COVID wave began to peak, Queenscourt Hospice recognised there would be an urgent need for end of life training, and stepped up to deliver over 1,000 online sessions to help healthcare professionals cope with the intense demands of the pandemic.


View Moodle courses

LINK Nurses

This is the LINK Nurse page with information and links to help you in your day to day work. Please send us your suggestions as to what you want to see on this page and we will do our best to provide it.

Six Steps to Success Programme

The programme has been developed in the North West of England, to enhance and support organisational change, and develop staff working in care homes, in end of life care.


Stepping Stones offers those bereaved of a patient in our care the chance to return to Queenscourt to meet with staff, ask questions and talk about how they are coping.

Support for Families

All Staff offer support to families during the illness of their loved one.

Future Care Planning

Learn more about future care planning by watching our helpful video.

Access to Palliative Care Medicines

Some information regarding obtaining certain medications in case of difficulty and out of hours.

Patient Information

Here you can find a list of links that can help answer some of the questions you may have or provide information you may require.

Be Kind to Yourself

Resources for Support
