LINK Nurses

This is the LINK Nurse page with information and links to help you in your day to day work. Please send us your suggestions as to what you want to see on this page and we will do our best to provide it.

Nursing Home LINK Nurse Scheme

This scheme was set up in 2006 to increase the palliative care education available to nursing home staff following an educational needs assessment in which the need was demonstrated.

In the first few months the number of staff accessing palliative care education had increased by 400%! Since then a Link Nurse from each nursing home has attended regular study days at TBEC and a Palliative Care Nurse Specialist designated for the home has made regular contact to offer support.

The project has been so successful that it has been included in ‘Our NHS, Our Future: North West Clinical Pathway Group Reports’ published in June 2008 and ‘Building of Firm Foundations—Improving End of Life Care in Care Homes: Examples of Innovative Practice’ produced by the National Council for Palliative Care.

Hospital LINK Nurse Scheme

This scheme has been running for longer than the one above and consists of one Link nurse from each hospital ward at Southport & Ormskirk NHS Trust who attends regular study days and then cascades information to their colleagues on the ward.

Similar Resources

Podcasts for Paramedics

The Beyond the Sirens: Paramedics and End-of-Life Care podcast series has been designed to start a journey together, to spark innovative ideas, provide support for and raise awareness of the holistic and complex requirements of end-of-life care.

Religious Needs Resource

Welcome to this resource for health workers. It is a guide to, but not a substitute for, individual spiritual, religious and cultural needs assessment by frontline clinical staff in supportive, palliative and end of life care.

Upcoming Courses at TBEC

View all the available educational courses we offer.

Life is for learning! (TBEC)

The Terence Burgess Education Centre is named after the Terence Burgess, formerly surgeon to Southport & Ormskirk District General Hospital & first Chairman of the Queenscourt board of Trustees.
