Anthony Crewe


Anthony Crewe is the Chair of Queenscourt Hospice. He took on the role of Chair in October 2020 and has been a Trustee of Queenscourt since October 2016.

He has worked for HM Revenue & Customs for almost thirty years and has lived in Southport for over a decade, currently residing in Birkdale with his wife, children & four cats.

Away from Queenscourt Anthony is a big football fan and a proud owner of a Blackburn Rovers season ticket.

Reflecting on the impact the Covid-19 pandemic has had on Queenscourt, Anthony said: During the last year, the global pandemic has been one of the most impactful global events in our lifetimes. It has created unique challenges for individuals and society and possibly more importantly closer to home, it has created unique challenges and increased levels of difficulty for Queenscourt.

“The way we care for patients has changed, the access that friends and families have had to their loved ones in their most needful times has been severely limited, our ability to raise funds as we have done in the past, has been largely curtailed. We have experienced adversity none of us could have predicted.

“However, adversity doesn’t define you; how you react to adversity defines you. The simple fact is that the Directors, staff and volunteers have assessed and re-assessed the situation and just got on with it.

We have continued to deliver optimal quality patient care, we have continued to deliver the rest of our services as fully and effectively as we could, we have embraced digital access and quietly got on with the business of doing what Queenscourt is here to do.

“As an organisation we have shown flexibility, resilience and strength in addition to the care, compassion and medical excellence for which we are justly renowned.

“Despite everything 2020 threw at us, we are still thriving, as we have done for the past 30 years but we need everyone’s help to continue to thrive for the next 30.”