Meet the Queenscourt Team

It’s impossible for us to list every member of staff that helps to keep Queenscourt running. We need every single one of them. Below, however, we have listed some members of staff who you may wish to get in touch with.

Queenscourt is governed by a board of Trustees; they make sure that we fulfil our objectives and adhere to the organisation’s philosophy and values. They do this by making sure that Queenscourt operates in a manner that:

  • Lets us fulfil the objectives set out in our mission Statement of Purpose
  • Uses assets and resources for charitable purposes
  • Gives due attention to charitable and company law
  • Adheres to the organisation’s philosophy and values
  • Upholds the reputation of the organisation

Our Trustees

Martin Abrams

Terry McGraw

David Kemp

Cath Baldry

Director Emeritus - Honorary Member